

Wondrous item, rare

These pieces of bone from a long-dead being are filled with sollidified marrow and come in two colors: the more common Blue Drug-On and rare Red Drug-On.

Blue (Upper): Pieces of blue Drug-On can be crushed into a fine grey-blue powder. You can use a bonus action to consume this powder through the nose. When you do so, your senses accelerate and a great sense of euphoria washes over you. You gain advantage on Strength, Dexterity and Consitution checks and saving throws, and your walking speed doubles. During that time, you are also immune to the Frightened and Charmed conditions. These effects last for thirty seconds (5 rounds), after which you must either use Red Drug-On to calm the effects or make a DC 16 Consitution Saving Throw. Succeeding on this save will let you calm down as if you had used Red Drug-On, but a failure will send you into a frenzy as the drug's effects intensify: for the next thirty seconds you are under the Frightened condition as your euphoria turns to visions of horror, you are unable to cast spells and must choose between using a Move or an Action each turn of combat.

The effects of Blue Drug-On may intensify with repeated use, especially if used more than once a day.

Red (Downer): Pieces of red Drug-On can be crushed into a fine red powder. You can use a bonus action to consume this powder through the nose. When you do so, your sense slow down and great calmness washes over you. For the next hour, you enter a deep meditative state and receive a bonus to the HP you regain from a short rest equal to your proficiency bonus for every hit die you roll. If you are able to use magic, you also regain one first level spell slot during the same short rest.

When under the effect of Blue Drug-On, using the Red variant does not give you these benefits but will remove the effects of the Blue one and return you quickly to your normal state.

The effects of Red Drug-On may intensify with repeated use, especially if used more than once a day.